Series 12 - Ep 4: Child Nutrition, Tomato nursery, Dairy financing and Milk production

Series 12 - Ep 4: Child Nutrition, Tomato nursery, Dairy financing and Milk production

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we’re in Gatundu in Embu County and we’re visiting a young farming family, farmers Rosemary and Evans.

We want to find out why they chose to work as farmers because faming can be hard work and how do they balance both farming and family?

Let’s find out how they’re doing it and if they need any help.

On this farm we learn about:

1. Child nutrition

2. Tomato nursery

3. Dairy financing

4. Milk production

#Nursery #Finance #Dairy Cows #Tomato #Nutrition

Show times


Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)

on Citizen TV Kenya