Series 14 - Ep 4: Calf Management, Fodder Production, Indigenous Trees and Counterfeits

Series 14 - Ep 4: Calf Management, Fodder Production, Indigenous Trees and Counterfeits

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up!

This week we are in Kin’gon’go Medium Prison, in Nyeri county!

Kingongo medium prison is the custodian of the prison farms in Nyeri and supplies the other prisons. It is run by Mr Kinoti.

Thy have a number of cows and calves, coffee that is not doing well, a huge tree nursery and they grow vegetables.

We have also Sir Elvis to lighten the mood!!

We are learning about:

  1. Tips on how to do it right for a healthy cow. To avoid metabolic disorders and getting healthy calves.
  2. Avoidance of counterfeits and use of the poison information centre
  3. Fodder production and preservation.
  4. Importance of planting and embracing indigenous trees.
CalfCare Calf dairy Counterfeits indigenous trees fodder

Show times


Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)

on Citizen TV Kenya