Series 11 - Ep 6: FallArmy worm, Mangoes, Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes and Markets

Series 11 - Ep 6: FallArmy worm, Mangoes, Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes and Markets

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up.

This week we are in Machakos, visiting the Mumo family.

The last time we were here, we gave Victoria advice on how to plant orange fleshed sweet potatoes and how to manage fall armyworm.

This week we want to help our farmers find the right markets for their crops.

We learn about:

  • How to combat fall armyworm
  • How to build markets for mangoes
  • Also we want to find out all about orange fleshed sweet potatoes
#Markets #FallArmyWorm #Mangoes #OrangeFleshedSweetPotatoes

Show times


Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)

on Citizen TV Kenya