
Title: Planting


Planting for rain-fed agriculture is commonly done during the long rain season (March–May) and the short rain season (September–November). It is very important that farmers are ready to plant before the rains start. This is because, with the change in climate, rains have become unpredictable, and we want to make use of every drop of water. In this episode, we give you the steps to follow to ensure that you are ready.

Title: Soil Fertility


Any successful farming operation must have healthy soil. So, what is soil? Also, how does it lose its quality, and how can a farmer improve it? listen in!

Title: Top Dressing


About four to six weeks after planting, it's important to top dress your crops with a nitrogen rich fertilizer. Nitrogen is important when it comes to forming healthy leaves, which in turn help your crop grow well. Welcome to listen in as we discuss the topic of top dressing. Here you can watch the current Series of Shamba Shape Up:

Title: Crop Pests


Pests can cause total loss if not managed on time. There are so many different types of pests that attack crops, and this forms the basis of our discussion in this episode. Listen in to learn how to manage the insect pests.

Title: Crop Diseases


Time to unmask the threat of crop diseases! Crop diseases reduce the quality and quantity of yields. Listen as we highlight how to identify and manage common diseases that attack crops.

Title: Harvesting & Storage


Did you know 30% to 40% of harvested produce is lost due to poor handling? Listen in to find out ways to handle your produce better and cut down on those losses.

Title: Handling & treatment of crop residue


Join us on this episode as we delve into ways to utilise crop leftovers effectively for animal feed.

Title: Planting 2


Listen in as we discuss and share knowledge on planting of beans and potatoes. For more information feel free to contact iShamba, our information/tips service platform, Call: +254 (0) 711 082 606 SMS: 21606

Title: Rain water harvesting


With the change in climate every downpour is very essential. Listen to how you can best collect and store rain water.

Title: Animal Health & Hygiene


Listen to the Animal Health & Hygiene Podcast for expert tips and practical advice on keeping your livestock healthy and happy. Learn about disease prevention and best practices for top-notch farm animal care.

Title: Chicken health & hygiene


Welcome to listen to our chicken health and hygiene episode for expert insights on maintaining optimal health and hygiene in your flock. From disease prevention to coop cleanliness, discover essential tips for happy and thriving chickens!

Title: Choosing the best livestock for your farm


This episode covers everything you need to know about selecting the best animals for your farm. Whether you are a seasoned farmer or just starting out, we share expert tips to help you make informed decisions. Tune in to learn how to choose the right animals to fit your farm's needs and goals.

Show times


Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)

on Citizen TV Kenya