Series 13 - Ep 18: Soil testing, Compost, Brooding Chicks and Passion fruit

Series 13 - Ep 18: Soil testing, Compost, Brooding Chicks and Passion fruit

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up!

Today we’re in the Western county of Bungoma visiting Vivian and her nephew Martin.

Vivian has worked at Telecommunication company in Kenya for 16 years but quit the corporate world, to pursue her dream of farming, having been inspired by watching Shamba Shape-Up. She invested her initial savings in a few ventures that failed. The chicken house is now empty and the cow shed she built awaits the cow she hopes to have one day. Vivian is passionate about passion fruits, and is trying to apply a corporate mindset “They have to work!”. Her first trees however died off and those left are not thriving. Her beehives are doing well and she has some fruit trees. Vivien is really enjoying the learning process “every time you fail you learn” and has grand ambitions to go into chicken farming and fruit farming. Her dream is for the farm to be 100% organic. Vivian is helped by her nephew Martin, who is also keen to learn.

Let’s go and help her to achieve her dream.

We are learning about:

  1. How to get the most from your shamba by testing the soil and
  2. Making your own compost: Organic Fertiliser and improving soil health.
  3. How new technology can help chicken brooding
  4. Farming passion fruits for the market
soil-health chicken soil-fertility passion-fruit kienyeji fertilisers Improved Kienyeji soil-test organic Fertiliser Brooding compost broilers PassionFruit layers

Show times


Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)

on Citizen TV Kenya 


Saturday at 3:00 pm (Tonga),
Sunday at 3:00 pm (Bemba)

on ZNBC TV 1


Thursday 8:00 pm (Luganda)

on Bukedde TV

Sunday 8:30 pm (English)
Wednesday 12:00 pm (English)

on NTV Uganda