Series 13 - Ep 20: Bees, Apiary , Fertiliser, Beans, Sweet potato & Soil Test

Series 13 - Ep 20: Bees, Apiary , Fertiliser, Beans, Sweet potato & Soil Test

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up!

Today we’re in the Western county of Bungoma and we are visiting farmers Edith and Zachayo.

Edith has recently qualified as a nurse but her heart is in farming. She says she would love to make farming a full-time career one day if she can but is currently juggling bringing up 3 kids, training to be a nurse and farming! Her husband Zach is incredibly supportive but he has a busy job in local government so she mostly runs the farm alone. Edith has 8 acres but is currently only farming 4 and she wants to do more.

We are going to learn about:

1. Apiary Management: How get the best out her bees and her passion fruits.

2. Importance of Soil testing.

3. How organic fertilizer will help produce a bumper crop.

4. How to manage your young bean crop.

5. How to maximise your income when growing sweet potatoes.

passion-fruit Sweetpotato #BeeKeeping fertilisers soil-test organic Fertiliser beans bees

Show times


Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)

on Citizen TV Kenya