Series 14 - Ep 10: Chicken, Dairy Breeding, Milk quality and handling and Pesticides

Series 14 - Ep 10: Chicken, Dairy Breeding, Milk quality and handling and Pesticides

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up!

This week we are in Kigui in Meru county and visiting young farmers Peninnah and Wilfreds.

A young couple that is into farming, they have twin boys aged 7. They have cows and chicken. They also grow maize but for grain.

Penninah is a full time farmer. They have about 500 chicken, 2 cows and 5 goats.

Let see how we can improve their farm.

We are learning about:

  1. Find out how to raise healthy dairy herds and get the most milk from your cows.
  2. How to improve milk quality and handling.
  3. How to run a successful chicken farm.
  4. How to avoiding pests from becoming resistance to pesticides.
Dairy chicken Product Quality chicken-care breeding pests

Show times


Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)

on Citizen TV Kenya