Series 14 - Ep 16: Silage Making, Milk Quality and Financial Literacy

Series 14 - Ep 16: Silage Making, Milk Quality and Financial Literacy

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up!

This week we are in Gataragwa in Nyeri Visiting Farmer Rose Mugure and Son Felix Ndung’u Mwangi.

Rose has a 4.5 acre farm near the aberdare forest. She is helped by her 2 sons. Her main business is dairy and horticulture, moving from cabbages, carrots, to snow peas etc. depending on the season and she has two Heifers.

We are Learning about:

  1. How to make and store silage.
  2. How to prevent aflatoxin in your dairy fodder.
  3. We will learn all about finances on the farm - record keeping, for better financial access.
Dairy recordkeeping fodder finance silage aflatoxin financial-literacy milk

Show times


Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)

on Citizen TV Kenya