Series 14 - Ep 18: Heifer, Naked-Neck Broilers, Financial Literacy and Milk Hygiene

Series 14 - Ep 18: Heifer, Naked-Neck Broilers, Financial Literacy and Milk Hygiene

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up!

This week we are in zambezi, in Kabete, Kiambu county and we are visiting Young farmer Mekatilili Mwiru. Mekatilili, 25 is a law student who has gone into farming. She farms on her family land that is slightly under an acre. She keeps naked neck broilers and has 2 dairy cows, a heifer and a bull calf. She got into farming through helping her mother. She farms with her mother. They are on the verge of giving up on the dairy cows and need help to get them moving again and inspired. The cow only gives 13 litres.

We are going to learn about:

1. General good practices for heifer care.

2. Excellent hygiene practices for keeping dairy cows.

3. Dive in to ins and outs of loans and credits from banks

4. How to Improve production of the naked neck broiler.

Hygiene chicken Financial literacy finance Milk Hygiene broilers milk Heifer

Show times


Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)

on Citizen TV Kenya