Series 11 - Ep 3: Forage production (Bracharia), Soil Testing, Push-Pull and Avocado Irrigation

Series 11 - Ep 3: Forage production (Bracharia), Soil Testing, Push-Pull and Avocado Irrigation

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up.

This week we are in Meru County and we are visiting an expert farmer called Rachel.

She runs a training course for farmers around her area. Can she teach us a thing or two? who’s going to be teacher on this episode?

We learn about:

Forage production (Bracharia):

➢ How to get more forage plants without having to buy the seeds or the seedlings by making and planting bracharia splits.

➢ Importance of planting bracharia as forage for your livestock.

Soil testing

➢ We help Rachel with her coffee plantation, which is yellowing by doing a soil test in the farm

Push-Pull method

➢ How to get rid of pests in vegetables by using the Push-Pull method.

Avocado Irrigation

➢ We get advice on when and how to irrigate avocado trees.

#Irrigation #Push-Pull #Brachiaria #Soil Test #Push&Pull #Avocado

Show times


Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)

on Citizen TV Kenya