Series 14 - Ep 12: Chicken (hygiene and nutrition), Solar Pump, Market and Trees

Series 14 - Ep 12: Chicken (hygiene and nutrition), Solar Pump, Market and Trees

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up!

This week we are in Karateng in Kisumu county with farmers Herine and Sande and their family.

Erick and Herine have been farming on this one-acre farm for over 5 years and are expanding their farming even further. They also grow African Leavey vegetables such sukuma wiki, kunde, susaa and osuga.

Let’s go and see how we can help them improve their farming.

We are learning about:

  1. How to keep disease away from your broilers, get them to weight in good time and use proper feeding equipment.
  2. Harness the power of the sun to irrigate our farms.
  3. How farmers can link to market and professional services.
  4. Planting trees for the environment and earn while doing it.
markets chicken Solar Pump Solar trees broilers

Show times


Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)

on Citizen TV Kenya