Series 14 - Ep 7: Chicken House Management, Calf Care Management & Solar Pump

Series 14 - Ep 7: Chicken House Management, Calf Care Management & Solar Pump

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up!

This week we are in Kericho county and we are visiting farmers Alfred and Catherine and their son Wycliffe.

Alfred , his wife Cathrine and one of his sons, Wycliffe run the farm, Wycliffe has taken up after his parents.

In their shamba they have 10 dairy cows and 5 calves. They also have 500 broiler chicks,

Let’s meet our farmers!

We are learning about:

  1. Chicken housing management.
  2. Discover how we can use solar to irrigate.
  3. How to take good care of our calves.
CalfCare Calf chicken dairy Solar Pump Solar Chicken House Chicken farming broilers

Show times


Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)

on Citizen TV Kenya