Series 1 - Ep 1: Farmer's Group, Conservation Agriculture,Compost manure and Agroforestry
Series 1 - Ep 1: Farmer's Group, Conservation Agriculture,Compost manure and Agroforestry
Welcome to Munda Make Over!
This week we’re in Kabwanyanga in Eastern province and we’re visiting Florence Chirwa. Sadly Florence has lost her husband, but despite this she’s managed to become a successful farmer.And part of the reason has been down to joining a farmers group. This week we wanted to turn the tables, and find out from her why the group has been so helpful.
And maybe we can still bring Florence a few solutions of our own Kachanana.
We learn about:
1. Farmers group and it's benefits
2. Conservation Agriculture
3. How to make a Compost manure
4. Agro-Forestry: Gliricidia tree to farming and it is benefits
farmer-groups crop-rotation compost trees conservation-agriculture Soil Manure MinimumTillage AgroForestry Soil residualShow times
Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)
Saturday at 3:00 pm (Tonga),
Sunday at 3:00 pm (Bemba)
on ZNBC TV 1
Thursday 8:00 pm (Luganda)
on Bukedde TV
Sunday 8:30 pm (English)
Wednesday 12:00 pm (English)
on NTV Uganda