Series 2 - Ep 12: Beans, Cassava, Maize and diseases and Gender

Series 2 - Ep 12: Beans, Cassava, Maize and diseases and Gender

Welcome to Munda Make Over!

We have travelled all over Zambia to find hard working farmers.

We want to share their success stories with farmers across the country and where there are challenges, we will bring experts to help them gain the extra knowledge they need.

So, they can adapt and make their farms more productive, even while the climate changes. We want to support them to get better yields and increase their income.

We will see how farmers from across the country can benefit from our expert’s advice. While also learning from each other, in so many ways.

Join us on these journeys and share in the farmers experiences as they improve their farms. On Munda Make Over.

This week we’re in Chilanga, in Kafue district, and we’re visiting Mr and Mrs Sinkala. they have 4 children and their farm covers 7 hectares. Favourite crops include casava, maize and onions.

It’s planting time! I love beans, so we want to plant that, maize of course is very popular and Cassava, that can fetch a good price in the market as well.

Let’s see how we can help the farmer:

1. How to plant beans.

2. Learn how to plant Cassava.

3. We find out about Orange maize.

4. Discover how two people have the power of four if they work together.

maize diseases farmer-groups beans cassava Pest and Diseases Gender

Show times


Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)

on Citizen TV Kenya 


Saturday at 3:00 pm (Tonga),
Sunday at 3:00 pm (Bemba)

on ZNBC TV 1


Thursday 8:00 pm (Luganda)

on Bukedde TV

Sunday 8:30 pm (English)
Wednesday 12:00 pm (English)

on NTV Uganda