Series 2 - Ep 17: Cassava, Weather, Good Agricultural practises and Markets
Series 2 - Ep 17: Cassava, Weather, Good Agricultural practises and Markets
Welcome to Munda Make Over!
Our farmer for this week has got an interesting story. A retired fisherman, who decided to start farming for business purposes.
This week, we’re in (Nchelenge) in Luapula province and visiting John Muwa. Despite how beautiful and vast these waters are, our farmer for today left all that to focus on the dream of farming.
The Munda Make Over team has decided to grace and bless our farmer for today and see how we can help him.
We are learning about:
1. Creating Markets for Small Scale Farmers
2. Empowering Smallholder Farmers to identify and manage in real time, crop pests and
diseases through the Plant Village Nuru App
3. Good Agricultural Practices (Crop diversification in farming systems)
markets cassava agribusiness WeatherShow times
Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)
Saturday at 3:00 pm (Tonga),
Sunday at 3:00 pm (Bemba)
on ZNBC TV 1
Thursday 8:00 pm (Luganda)
on Bukedde TV
Sunday 8:30 pm (English)
Wednesday 12:00 pm (English)
on NTV Uganda