Series 2 - Ep 18: Weather, Aggregation, Cassava and Good Agricultural practises.

Series 2 - Ep 18: Weather, Aggregation, Cassava and Good Agricultural practises.

Welcome to Munda Make Over!

We’re in Luwingu District in Luapula province, where the Munda Make Over Team is gracing a couple that has grown together in love and in their farming business.

We are excited about today’s farmers because I love couples that GROWS together in LOVE and GROWS crops together for the LOVE of farming.

We’re visiting Maybin Chomba, who is married to Alice Chomba. Our farmers for today are doing everything possible to sustain their small-scale farming business.

They also use their farm as a source of food to feed their 8 children and 5 grandchildren.

We are here to assess and see how we can help our farmer improve their farming business.

We are Learning about:

1. Linking private sector to smallholder farmers in resolving agricultural input and output
market challenges.

2. Methods and benefits for Good Agricultural practices depending on the crop you
plant. (Crop diversification in farming systems)

3. Disease Resistant Cassava

cassava Agriculture Weather aggregation-centres

Show times


Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)

on Citizen TV Kenya