Series 1 - Ep 09: Chickens, Bee Keeping, Bank Loans
Series 1 - Ep 09: Chickens, Bee Keeping, Bank Loans
The team help shape up Vincent's shamba - building a chicken house and water harvesting unit, as well as giving him financial advice and help with his beekeeping
planting chicken fertilisers vegetables record-keeping mole-traps solar-lights seeds loans finance rainwater-harvesting kenbro financial-literacy beesInformation leaflets
Show times
Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Saturday 1:30 pm (English)
Saturday at 3:00 pm (Tonga),
Sunday at 3:00 pm (Bemba)
on ZNBC TV 1
Thursday 8:00 pm (Luganda)
on Bukedde TV
Sunday 8:30 pm (English)
Wednesday 12:00 pm (English)
on NTV Uganda